Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

Blogger Buzz

truk gedhe: "Blogger.com - more like a big truck, less like a series of tubes
Here at Blogger we’re always working to make the site and your blogs faster and more reliable. We want you to think of us as a big truck: able to handle anything you can dump on us.

Tuesday’s election was a good chance to see just how big a truck Blogger actually is, and we’re happy to report that Blogger-hosted blogs, for the most part, held up under the record-setting traffic.

That being said, there were definitely some hiccups (potholes?) along the way. Our favorite political and polling analysis blog, FiveThirtyEight.com, received an order of magnitude more visitors than the next most visited blog. They also received more than 50 times as many comments as the next most commented-on blog. Unfortunately, this traffic caused some publishing delays for Nate and Sean as well as some intermittent slowness on their site.
After we got word of the trouble, we were able to shift some resources around to keep things running fairly smoothly for the rest of the night. Now that traffic has calmed down, our engineers are hard at work tuning and improving Blogger based on the experience.

We’d like to thank bloggers, commenters, and readers for participating in one of the biggest blogging events ever. Your voices validate what we do, and every day we look forward to making Blogger faster and better for you.
posted by John at 12:00 PM links to this post"

Blogger Buzz

truk gedhe: "Blogger.com - more like a big truck, less like a series of tubes
Here at Blogger we’re always working to make the site and your blogs faster and more reliable. We want you to think of us as a big truck: able to handle anything you can dump on us.

Tuesday’s election was a good chance to see just how big a truck Blogger actually is, and we’re happy to report that Blogger-hosted blogs, for the most part, held up under the record-setting traffic.

That being said, there were definitely some hiccups (potholes?) along the way. Our favorite political and polling analysis blog, FiveThirtyEight.com, received an order of magnitude more visitors than the next most visited blog. They also received more than 50 times as many comments as the next most commented-on blog. Unfortunately, this traffic caused some publishing delays for Nate and Sean as well as some intermittent slowness on their site.
After we got word of the trouble, we were able to shift some resources around to keep things running fairly smoothly for the rest of the night. Now that traffic has calmed down, our engineers are hard at work tuning and improving Blogger based on the experience.

We’d like to thank bloggers, commenters, and readers for participating in one of the biggest blogging events ever. Your voices validate what we do, and every day we look forward to making Blogger faster and better for you.
posted by John at 12:00 PM links to this post"

welcome to Mario.com

welcome to Mario.com

welcome to Mario.com

welcome to Mario.com

minta saran

Diriku tadinya seorang karyawan sebuah perusahaan,namun akibat dampak krisis global diriku di PHK.Trus semenjak itu aku berkeinginan buka usaha sendiri!dan usaha itu tak lain adalah berdagang!namun masalah yg aku hadapi adalah kurang pengalaman dalam urusan ini,& modal yg belum mumpuni,karma harus nunggu pesangon dari perusahaan tadi,yg akan diberikan kurang lebih 6bln.
Jd kepada yg membaca tulisan ini saya minta bantuanya untuk memberikan solusi,saran, atau tips bagaimana membuka usaha dagang yg baik!jelas saja rencanaku mau buka penjualan ban motor,& pastinya jg tambal ban.karna kios yg aku miliki berada di pinggir jalan raya.
Oleh sebab itu saya minta saran/tips kepada semua pembaca baik dari cara promosi,cara penjualan,sampai dimana aku bias mendapatkan grosiran ban yg cukup miring/murah.
Terimakasih atas kesediaan ana membaca tulisan ini,& saya berharap ada yg mau Bantu ngasih solusi yang baik.